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Version: v1.3

Use View-Only Functions

View-only functions, also known as "views", are smart contract functions specialized in retrieving state information without altering the smart contract's state.


Immutable Proxies

All state storage accesses occur through immutable proxies, ensuring the state remains unchanged.

Restricted Functionalities

Views have a limited Call Context, disabling any function that might induce state changes, including token transactions.

Intra-chain Calls

While they can call() other views within the same chain, they cannot initiate non-view functions or post() cross-chain requests.

Return Data

These functions are designed to return data to the caller, as they can't induce any other external effects.

Use Case: 'getFactor' Function

To illustrate the use of view-only functions, consider the getFactor() function integrated in the dividend smart contract:

// 'getFactor' is a simple View function. It will retrieve the factor
// associated with the (mandatory) address parameter it was provided with.
func viewGetFactor(_ wasmlib.ScViewContext, f *GetFactorContext) {
// Since we are sure that the 'address' parameter actually exists we can
// retrieve its actual value into an ScAddress value type.
var address wasmtypes.ScAddress = f.Params.Address().Value()

// Create an ScImmutableMap proxy to the 'members' map in the state storage.
// Note that for views this is an *immutable* map as opposed to the *mutable*
// map we can access from the *mutable* state that gets passed to funcs.
var members MapAddressToImmutableUint64 = f.State.Members()

// Retrieve the factor associated with the address parameter.
var factor uint64 = members.GetUint64(address).Value()

// Set the factor in the results map of the function context.
// The contents of this results map is returned to the caller of the function.

The return values are passed to the caller through the predefined Results map associated with the Call Context. Again, this works the same as for Funcs, although Funcs do not necessarily return values to the caller. The Schema Tool will generate a function-specific Results structure with type-safe proxies to the result fields in this map.