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Find the metadata of the included block of a transaction.


Find the metadata of the included block of a transaction.


Path Parameters

    transactionId stringrequired

    Identifier of the transaction to look up.

    Example: 0xaf7579fb57746219561072c2cc0e4d0fbb8d493d075bd21bf25ae81a450c11ef


Successful operation.

    blockId stringrequired

    The identifier of the block. Hex-encoded with 0x prefix.

    parents string[]required

    The identifiers of the blocks this block references. Hex-encoded with 0x prefix.

    isSolid booleanrequired

    Tells if the block could get solidified by the node or not.

    referencedByMilestoneIndex integer

    Tells which milestone references this block.

    milestoneIndex integer

    If set, this block can be considered as a valid milestone block. This field therefore describes the milestone index of the involved milestone. A block can be considered as a valid milestone block if the milestone payload is valid and if the referenced parents in the milestone payload do match the referenced parents in the block itself. Note it's possible to have different milestone blocks that all represent the same milestone.

    ledgerInclusionState string

    Possible values: [included, conflicting, noTransaction]

    If included, the block contains a transaction that has been included in the ledger. If conflicitng, the block contains a transaction that has not been included in the ledger because it conflicts with another transaction. If the block does not contain a transaction, ledgerInclusionState is set to noTransaction.

    conflictReason integer

    Possible values: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 255]


    • 1 - denotes that the referenced UTXO was already spent.
    • 2 - denotes that the referenced UTXO was already spent while confirming this milestone.
    • 3 - denotes that the referenced UTXO cannot be found.
    • 4 - denotes that the sum of the inputs and output values does not match.
    • 5 - denotes that the unlock block signature is invalid.
    • 6 - denotes that the configured timelock is not yet expired.
    • 7 - denotes that the given native tokens are invalid.
    • 8 - denotes that the return amount in a transaction is not fulfilled by the output side.
    • 9 - denotes that the input unlock is invalid.
    • 10 - denotes that the inputs commitment is invalid.
    • 11 - denotes that an output contains a Sender with an ident (address) which is not unlocked.
    • 12 - denotes that the chain state transition is invalid.
    • 255 - denotes that the semantic validation failed.
    whiteFlagIndex integer

    If set, defines the order of the block in the white flag traversal during milestone solidification. Only referenced blocks have this information.

    shouldPromote boolean

    Tells if the block should be promoted to get more likely picked up by the Coordinator.

    shouldReattach boolean

    Tells if the block should be reattached.

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-H 'Accept: application/json'
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